Friday, July 26, 2013

What Light-workers Do

In 1999, while having lunch with a co-worker/friend, she cut me off in the middle of a conversation we were having and said, “You’re a Light Worker.”  I stopped speaking as those words shifted my awareness and my humanness contemplated, “What is a light worker?”
The next day my dear friend brought me a book to work entitled, “The Lightworkers Way” by Doreen Virtue.  I tried to read it when I got home but couldn’t…I wasn’t ready for the information yet.  It would be at the very end of 2002 before this book jumped off my bookshelf and I picked it up and was able to read it in two days.
Since 2002, my life experiences have been nothing less than miraculous and at times, so intense, I begged to go ‘home’ because the purging/cleansing process of my mind, body and spirit was so overwhelming.  It truly is indescribable as it can only be experienced.
As time passed I transformed and became more consciously aware of the world around me as I learned that I was being prepped to do great works concerning the light.  By the way, you hear many talking about the light all over the internet…..the light is the Love of God.  Lightworkers are initiated into this work so that we become clear channels of this powerful force (God’s Love) in order to change earth and the energies on and in earth.  We do Light work in many various ways, through creativity such as music, artistic expressions, writing and other mediums.  There is another phase to working with the light and this entails, many times, in the Lightworker separating themselves from family and friends and going into solitude.  The reason for this is because we must be clear conduits in order to hear or aligned with the instructions we receive from the other side of the veil.
Lightworkers collectively have change the grids of earth, literally, to allow more light to come to earth in order to assist humanity to wake up to more spiritual truths, mainly to the Love of God, which is a force.  The earth now has a crystalline grid that is active and benevolent.  The world seems to be in chaos at this time because the dark energies are fighting the presence of the light that is flooding mother earth.  The light has increased and will continue to do so until the Plan is fulfilled.
In 2009 I was sent back home to Chicago after I vowed to never live here again.  The crime, injustices, poverty and such was so heavy here but I was sent as a lightworker to assist in changing the energy here.  You cannot really ‘see’ the changes that have come to this great city but I know that they are already done.  I know that the light grids are in place and the light is responding to them.  This I know. 
Light workers also decree and affirm for change through prayer and trust.  What we decree and affirm must come to pass because our declarations and affirmations are rooted in the power of the love of God, our undying love for humanity and our own pure intent.  We work with the power and assistance of the higher beings of light, so we do not work alone!  We also work collectively even though many of us have never met each other.  We work from the One Mind… the Christ Consciousness, which we all share as one.
If you are a lightworker, what work are you doing for humanity and mother earth?  Do you need guidance in making the connection with Spirit?  Lightworkers must be willing to die to the world and become a spiritual being having an earthly experience.  We must be willing to surrender to the Greater Will as oppose to the will of the ego.  Light work is an exalted position and light workers must be willing to give up the idea of ‘littleness’ and accept their true worth as co-creators with the Creator.  There is nothing little about that!  Lightworkers must be willing to do the ‘inner work’.  The Inner work consist of having the courage to face our own ‘demons’ and be willing to allow spirit to show us who we are in spirit.  Lightworkers must attend to the process of forgiveness, which opens the portals to higher perspectives in order to do the work we were sent to do.  We must learn to forgive everything we have experienced now and in the past for it all was part of our learning process.
The most beautiful thing about the Light work is that you’re never alone.  Christ (love of God) is always present, waiting to take your hand and help you see and experience the world where light is the only reality.  It protects you and keeps you close while it communicates with you day and night.  Just listen!

Brenda Tippett, DM

Photo courtesy of Ascended Masters @

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The 7 Spiritual Laws of Love

Within every love story hides the wooing of the gods and goddesses. This is one area of life where the practical meets the mythical. For many people the experience of romantic love is their first experience of spirituality, although they may not know it.
The First Stage of Love: Attraction
The Law of Attraction states, “To be attractive, you have to be authentic.” What makes a person attractive? The wisdom traditions tell us that attraction first and foremost comes from naturalness. Nothing is more beautiful than naturalness.
The Second Stage of Love: Infatuation
This law states that infatuation exists to open the door to a deeper, transcendent reality. Infatuation happens when the attraction between two people is so intense that it transports them beyond ordinary perception and the ordinary world becomes enchanted.
The Third Stage of Love: Communion
The Law of Communion says that communion is contact of soul with soul. Communion is the sharing of spirit. Therefore, communion is the basis of trust. In this stage, lovers move into territory of the unknown, taking from each other what they did not possess alone.
The Fourth Stage of Love: Intimacy
The law of Intimacy states that in true intimacy flesh merges with flesh, and spirit with spirit. In intimacy, sexual energy and spiritual energy are recognized as one. Sexual energy is seen as the creative energy of the universe.
The Fifth Stage of Love: Surrender and Non-Attachment
The Law of Surrender says that losing yourself in another person is the best way to find your true self. Surrender is the result of relinquishing the ego’s last claims to separation. Surrender and non-attachment open the door to the miraculous, because miracles exist outside the realm of I, me, and mine.
The Sixth Stage of Love: Passion
The Law of Passion says that higher reality is experienced in the merging of the masculine and the feminine in one’s own being. Passion for life and passion in love are the same thing. This is because life, in its essence, is love.
The Seventh Stage of Love: Ecstasy
The Law of Ecstasy says that ecstasy is our original state. This is where we come from, the Garden of Eden, the state of grace to which we shall one day return. Ecstasy is the final stage of intimacy with spirit that flows through love.

Copyrighted By Deepak Chopra

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Live Abundantly!

Learn and live your reality now. Thank God for your abundant life.  Have compassion not for the poor but for the truth.  The meek shall inherit the earth not by force but by truth.  There is no enemy to war with.  There are no poor Sons of God so do not see no one lacking.  Appearances are deceiving and it takes power and determination (faith) to see no one suffering but to think like this is to think from your right mind which is still connected to God (truth).

The Bible states that Jesus said it would be virtually impossible for a rich man to enter Heaven.  It said ‘man’ not gods.  Jesus also said that Ye are gods but not many religious thinking people are willing to challenge that statement. 

The Kingdom of God has no poverty for everything there is unlimited for everyone.  No one has more than another and no one is afraid of lack because everyone has everything.  Human intellect cannot grasp this truth because it is not of this world.  Nevertheless, it is true.

It is a loving act that you open your hands and receive all the gifts that the Kingdom of God has given you.  When you do you are serving others and being authentic and true to your true nature.  Do not be afraid to live an abundant life because The Father has given it to you freely.


Open to Grace!

Opening one’s mind to channeling Divine Grace and Infinite Love is an example of grace in itself.  It is a divine intention for the purpose of attracting those who are ready to go deep within in order to unlearn the world and find the path that leads to vairagya [non-attachment] to the external world.   
Learning the language of silence and coming into the power of stillness is the greatest gift one can give to him or herself.  For it is in stillness that grace is recognized and accepted.  When one receives grace he/she makes their transition back to Source gracefully after fulfilling their earthly life mission. 
The whole purpose of grace is to reunite with God in His Kingdom.  God is the infinite love we all seek.  For in His love is everything.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Love is the Light in Your Heart!

This is a video from the Princess of Japan announcing to the world the importance of Love at this time of great earth changes.

Most people do not understand or respect the power of love.  After giving this perception some real contemplation I came to realize that it is because most perceive love as an emotion when in fact love is a fact.

When I encourage those who I come into contact with or who are around me daily, to learn to love I often feel like I hit a brick wall.  Emotions have been the determining factor of how people respond to life daily.  Behaviors come from how one perceive situations, other peoples actions or inaction or what one hears or sees daily through media and other's designed perceptions.

Love is.  To experience love in the heart is to be determined to be good to yourself every moment.  Your well-being is the service you give others moment to moment and this is love.  When you fear anything you are not loving yourself or serving anyone.  The current energies that are present on earth today are the energies of love.  The energy of love is here to challenge you to transform your mind regarding how you view yourself and how you perceive others.

We are challenged and encouraged by the energy of love to forgive others and ourselves because forgiveness opens the heart and the heart is where love resides in you.  The world needs the love in your heart and so do you.  You are love and light when you open your heart to higher truths and leave old out-dated perceptions where they are, in the past.  The past is gone forever.  Don't deceive yourself into holding on to nothing.

The past is gone forever and we all have the opportunity to step into the light of the New Earth where tranquility, peace. love and joy is our true inheritance and reality.  In this reality the Creator is there eternal.

I encourage you to align your heart and mind for a new experience of living life in abundant joy and peace!  Learn to love through pain and disappointment while seeking within a higher understanding.  Seek clarity.  Open your heart to love by any means necessary.

I love you always,

Queen Goddess nazeelah

Saturday, December 17, 2011


I was born very sensitive.  Along with sensitivity I was aware of something that I could not put a name to, something that I felt deep within but could not share with anyone because there were no words to describe.  I later found that 'something' to be love.

You hear spiritual ones say, "I am love or you are love" but what does that mean?  I will attempt to share what is given me as I step aside and let my 'higher self' answer the question.

Love is the essence of all life.  It is life because it is God and God is life and God is love.  But what does that mean to human beings or humanity?  Not much.  Love is the experience and acceptance of God and self.  Humanity has not learned to love, which is why earth and humanity is experiencing massive transformation at this time.  The transformation is to allow humanity to choose love over fear.

Earth and humanity are being initiated into love and each soul has the opportunity, and a grand one indeed, to consciously choose its future, which is always now.  The new earth that already is can only inhabit love.  Fear cannot enter in, in no form be it thought, action or deed.  This is why so much chaos is being seen on earth at this present time and why so many are suffering from anxiety and sense of hopelessness.  The structures that so many have depended on for so long, eons even, are falling.  This is suppose to happen so each is given the opportunity to recognize consciously who the true source of life is.

Love is reality.  The world as you know it is illusion based on limitation and this causes humans to be selfish because they believe that they must strive to have.  This in itself is a thought based on a belief that is not true.  It is fear based.

The reality of love is kind to all life everywhere.  If it could have an opposite it would be fear.  But love cannot have an opposite because love encompasses everything that is real and good.  Everything that is good is real.  The unreal does not exist and is illusion.

I have faith in humanity.  Despite the massive changes with their intensities, and the bombarding of multi-level energies pouring in, humanity is still here.  I do believe in love and I believe that the sons and daughter of God will all awaken and recognize their reflection in love through the acceptance of life and the Creator of Life, which is Love/God.